
Erste Group Immorent GmbH
Am Belvedere 1
A-1100 Vienna
Phone: +43 (0)50100 – 27000
Fax: +43 (0)50100 9 – 27204

Registered Office Vienna, Companies Register No. 49140s
Registered at the Commercial Court Vienna
VAT identification number: ATU37225506
Bank Sorting Code: 20111

Chamber Membership
Member of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce

Membership of Industry Organisations
Member of the Association of Austrian Leasing Companies

Commercial and Professional Regulations
Information is available at WKO - Die Finanzdienstleister

Additional Information Pursuant to the Austrian Media Act
Disclosure Pursuant to § 25 of the Media Act:
Erste Group Immorent GmbH is the owner of this website. The website is available to provide information about the activities of Erste Group Immorent AG. All information is for personal use only. It is forbidden to use or reproduce this information for any other purpose.

Media Owner and Publisher:
Erste Group Immorent GmbH

Managing Directors:
Hausner Wolfgang, Mag.
Triller Tonin Andreja, Mag.

Officer with statutory authority:
Adolf Jaroslav, Mgr.
Bergthaler Michael
Kozielski Julia, Dr.
Mras Thomas, Ing., MBA
Neuhold-Gsöls Maria, Mag. 
Sagmeister Rudolf, Mag.
Uitz Johann, Mag.

Shareholder in the media owner:
Erste Group Bank AG (100%)
Am Belvedere 1, 1100 Vienna

Registered at the Commercial Court Vienna
VAT identification number: 33209m 
Shareholder in Erste Group Bank:

Content and Editorial Policy
Presentation of Erste Group Immorent GmbH
Information about the products and services offered by Erste Group Immorent GmbH
Information on general topics, in particular business and leasing
All gender-specific forms used on Erste Group Immorent GmbH websites refer to both sexes.

Disclaimer – Important Legal Information
While this website was created with the greatest of care, Erste Group Immorent GmbHcannot guarantee the completeness and accuracy of the information provided. Erste Group Immorent GmbH does not assume any liability whatsoever for damages arising either directly or indirectly from the use of this website, unless they were the result of intent or gross negligence on the part of Erste Group Immorent GmbH.

Erste Group Immorent GmbH also reserves the right to amend or add to the information provided without prior notice.LinksErste Group Immorent GmbH does not check other websites which are linked to Erste Group Immorent GmbH web pages with regard to their content or compliance with the law. Erste Group Immorent GmbH exerts no influence over the content of these websites and explicitly distances itself from any possibly illegal content. Moreover, Erste Group Immorent GmbH accepts no responsibility or liability for such content.

In compliance with the E-Commerce Act, we draw your attention to the fact that e-mails which are sent to us will only be downloaded during normal office hours.

The following languages may be used for communication: German and English

Data Protection Policy
Any personal data is dealt by us in accordance with the Austrian Data Protection Act (Datenschutzgesetz, DSG).

Site Manager & Webmaster
Helmut Kremser