
Our understanding of sustainability is taken from Our Common Future” UN Brundtland Commission 1986), which states that “Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”

For Erste Group, sustainable economic activity means creating added value for people, the environment and for the communities in which we operate. This approach is specifically implemented in 3 areas:

Diversity“ – we are convinced that the uniqueness of individuals (age, gender, cultural background) is essential for finding innovative solutions and for business success.

Environment“ – we strive to have a direct positive impact on the management of natural resources and indirectly through our business dealings.

Social responsibility“ – we are committed as Bank to finance cultural and social activities  but also by encouraging our employees to personally engage in their communities.

The construction and operation of buildings account for significant shares of the total Austrian and European energy demand, emissions of climate-damaging gases and the consumption of resources such as water and soil. Erste Group Immorent is expressly committed to sustainability, climate protection and the conservation of resources and energy throughout the entire real estate life cycle. From planning and construction to the operation of the property, we strive for continuous improvements in the environmental compatibility and sustainability of our real estate with the greatest possible care and sense of responsibility.

Newly developed buildings are certified according to internationally recognised standards such as DGNB or BREEAM. The use of renewable energy from sustainable sources such as geothermal and solar energy makes a significant contribution to reducing greenhouse gases in existing and planned buildings. Energy improvements, durability through high construction quality and efficient operational management with a strong focus on value retention reduce operating costs and thus also benefit our tenants and investors.

Erste Group Immorent is a member of the Austrian Sustainable Building Council

Erste Group Immorent ist Mitglied von ECORE, einer europäischen Initiative für die Konformität von ESG Kriterien (Environment, Social, Governance) in Immobilienportfolios